NSHM23 Hazard Maps

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PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


Download Mean Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50.csv

Mean and median hazard maps, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year




Mean MapMedian Map

Branched-average hazard can be dominated by outlier branches. The map below on the left shows the percentile at which the mean map lies within the full hazard distribution. Areas far from the 50-th percentile here are likely outlier-dominated and may show up in percentile comparison maps, even if mean hazard differences are minimal. Keep this in mind when evaluating the influence of individual logic tree branches by this metric. The right map show the ratio of mean to median hazard.

Note: The mean map here is computed directly from mean hazard curves, but the median map is taken as the median value of hazard maps across all branches (rather than first calculating median curves at each location), which might bias this comparison.

Mean Map PercentileMean vs Median
BA percentilesMedian vs Mean

Bounds, spread, and COV, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


The maps below show the range of values across all logic tree branches, the ratio of the maximum to minimum value, and the coefficient of variation (std. dev. / mean). Note that the minimum and maximum maps are not a result for any single logic tree branch, but rather the smallest or largest value encountered at each location across all logic tree branches.



Min MapMax Map

Log10 (Max/Min)


Spread MapCOV Map

PGA (g), 2% in 50 year Logic Tree Comparisons


This section shows how hazard changes across branch choices at each level of the logic tree. The summary figures below show mean hazard on the left, and then ratios & differences between the mean map considering subsets of the model holding each branch choice constant, and the overall mean map.

Combined Summary Maps
Combined Map
Combined Map

Deformation Model, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Deformation Model branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_DM.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 11.69%

ChoiceVs MeanVs GeologicVs EvansVs PollitzVs Shen-BirdVs Zeng
GeologicMean: -0.71%, Mean Abs: 2.92%Mean: -3.06%, Mean Abs: 14.95%Mean: 0.06%, Mean Abs: 8.72%Mean: -0.46%, Mean Abs: 4.76%Mean: 0.38%, Mean Abs: 4.24%
EvansMean: 11.34%, Mean Abs: 21.21%Mean: 13.12%, Mean Abs: 22.60%Mean: 11.36%, Mean Abs: 20.94%Mean: 12.55%, Mean Abs: 23.66%Mean: 12.69%, Mean Abs: 22.28%
PollitzMean: 0.87%, Mean Abs: 8.12%Mean: 2.54%, Mean Abs: 10.14%Mean: -1.60%, Mean Abs: 16.01%Mean: 1.57%, Mean Abs: 10.81%Mean: 1.73%, Mean Abs: 8.18%
Shen-BirdMean: -0.04%, Mean Abs: 3.15%Mean: 1.01%, Mean Abs: 4.62%Mean: -2.29%, Mean Abs: 15.69%Mean: 0.71%, Mean Abs: 9.48%Mean: 0.90%, Mean Abs: 4.70%
ZengMean: -0.63%, Mean Abs: 2.71%Mean: 0.76%, Mean Abs: 4.60%Mean: -2.97%, Mean Abs: 15.04%Mean: -0.14%, Mean Abs: 7.36%Mean: -0.27%, Mean Abs: 4.99%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
GeologicPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
EvansPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
PollitzPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
Shen-BirdPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ZengPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs GeologicVs EvansVs PollitzVs Shen-BirdVs Zeng
GeologicDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
EvansDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
PollitzDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
Shen-BirdDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
ZengDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Scaling Relationship, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 6 choices at the Scaling Relationship branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_Scale.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 3.14%

ChoiceVs MeanVs LogA+4.3Vs LogA+4.2Vs LogA+4.1Vs WdthLmtdVs LogA+4.2, SqrtLenVs WdthLmtd, CSD
LogA+4.3Mean: -1.61%, Mean Abs: 3.46%Mean: -0.86%, Mean Abs: 2.33%Mean: -1.28%, Mean Abs: 5.16%Mean: -2.56%, Mean Abs: 4.05%Mean: -2.51%, Mean Abs: 5.67%Mean: -1.67%, Mean Abs: 3.25%
LogA+4.2Mean: -0.83%, Mean Abs: 1.25%Mean: 1.01%, Mean Abs: 2.46%Mean: -0.57%, Mean Abs: 2.95%Mean: -1.83%, Mean Abs: 2.16%Mean: -1.83%, Mean Abs: 3.60%Mean: -0.89%, Mean Abs: 1.41%
LogA+4.1Mean: -0.15%, Mean Abs: 1.92%Mean: 1.99%, Mean Abs: 5.72%Mean: 0.79%, Mean Abs: 3.11%Mean: -1.23%, Mean Abs: 2.78%Mean: -1.29%, Mean Abs: 1.78%Mean: -0.21%, Mean Abs: 2.42%
WdthLmtdMean: 1.18%, Mean Abs: 1.65%Mean: 3.38%, Mean Abs: 4.84%Mean: 2.17%, Mean Abs: 2.49%Mean: 1.38%, Mean Abs: 2.85%Mean: 0.05%, Mean Abs: 2.62%Mean: 1.13%, Mean Abs: 2.12%
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenMean: 1.20%, Mean Abs: 2.55%Mean: 3.44%, Mean Abs: 6.48%Mean: 2.18%, Mean Abs: 3.91%Mean: 1.36%, Mean Abs: 1.82%Mean: 0.08%, Mean Abs: 2.64%Mean: 1.15%, Mean Abs: 3.09%
WdthLmtd, CSDMean: 0.09%, Mean Abs: 1.05%Mean: 2.11%, Mean Abs: 3.66%Mean: 0.99%, Mean Abs: 1.51%Mean: 0.31%, Mean Abs: 2.40%Mean: -0.97%, Mean Abs: 2.00%Mean: -0.98%, Mean Abs: 2.97%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
LogA+4.3Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.2Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.1Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
WdthLmtdPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
WdthLmtd, CSDPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs LogA+4.3Vs LogA+4.2Vs LogA+4.1Vs WdthLmtdVs LogA+4.2, SqrtLenVs WdthLmtd, CSD
LogA+4.3Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.2Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.1Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
WdthLmtdDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
WdthLmtd, CSDDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

LogA+4.3LogA+4.2LogA+4.1WdthLmtdLogA+4.2, SqrtLenWdthLmtd, CSD
Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Supra-Seismogenic b-value, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Supra-Seismogenic b-value branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_SupraB.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 4.26%

ChoiceVs MeanVs b=0.0Vs b=0.25Vs b=0.5Vs b=0.75Vs b=1.0
b=0.0Mean: 2.65%, Mean Abs: 3.79%Mean: 0.91%, Mean Abs: 1.63%Mean: 2.14%, Mean Abs: 3.29%Mean: 4.14%, Mean Abs: 5.74%Mean: 6.89%, Mean Abs: 8.93%
b=0.25Mean: 1.69%, Mean Abs: 2.17%Mean: -0.87%, Mean Abs: 1.63%Mean: 1.19%, Mean Abs: 1.66%Mean: 3.14%, Mean Abs: 4.08%Mean: 5.83%, Mean Abs: 7.25%
b=0.5Mean: 0.50%, Mean Abs: 0.55%Mean: -1.99%, Mean Abs: 3.24%Mean: -1.15%, Mean Abs: 1.64%Mean: 1.91%, Mean Abs: 2.40%Mean: 4.52%, Mean Abs: 5.52%
b=0.75Mean: -1.35%, Mean Abs: 1.86%Mean: -3.72%, Mean Abs: 5.51%Mean: -2.93%, Mean Abs: 3.95%Mean: -1.83%, Mean Abs: 2.35%Mean: 2.52%, Mean Abs: 3.05%
b=1.0Mean: -3.69%, Mean Abs: 4.76%Mean: -5.92%, Mean Abs: 8.32%Mean: -5.19%, Mean Abs: 6.80%Mean: -4.15%, Mean Abs: 5.24%Mean: -2.41%, Mean Abs: 2.96%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
b=0.0Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.25Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.5Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.75Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=1.0Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs b=0.0Vs b=0.25Vs b=0.5Vs b=0.75Vs b=1.0
b=0.0Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.25Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.5Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.75Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=1.0Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Paleoseismic Data Uncertainties, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Paleoseismic Data Uncertainties branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_PaleoUncert.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 0.82%

ChoiceVs MeanVs EvenFitVs OverFitVs UnderFit
EvenFitMean: 0.08%, Mean Abs: 0.11%Mean: 0.67%, Mean Abs: 0.73%Mean: -0.39%, Mean Abs: 0.51%
OverFitMean: -0.58%, Mean Abs: 0.64%Mean: -0.66%, Mean Abs: 0.72%Mean: -1.05%, Mean Abs: 1.21%
UnderFitMean: 0.49%, Mean Abs: 0.57%Mean: 0.40%, Mean Abs: 0.51%Mean: 1.08%, Mean Abs: 1.22%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
EvenFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
OverFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
UnderFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs EvenFitVs OverFitVs UnderFit
EvenFitDifference MapDifference Map
OverFitDifference MapDifference Map
UnderFitDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Segmentation Model, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Segmentation Model branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_SegModel.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 5.36%

ChoiceVs MeanVs NoneVs LowSegVs MidSegVs HighSegVs Classic
NoneMean: 2.32%, Mean Abs: 3.86%Mean: 1.22%, Mean Abs: 2.04%Mean: 1.85%, Mean Abs: 3.08%Mean: 3.00%, Mean Abs: 4.80%Mean: 7.97%, Mean Abs: 12.09%
LowSegMean: 1.05%, Mean Abs: 1.90%Mean: -1.16%, Mean Abs: 2.03%Mean: 0.60%, Mean Abs: 1.07%Mean: 1.70%, Mean Abs: 2.82%Mean: 6.52%, Mean Abs: 10.13%
MidSegMean: 0.44%, Mean Abs: 0.92%Mean: -1.70%, Mean Abs: 3.06%Mean: -0.58%, Mean Abs: 1.07%Mean: 1.07%, Mean Abs: 1.76%Mean: 5.80%, Mean Abs: 9.10%
HighSegMean: -0.60%, Mean Abs: 1.07%Mean: -2.65%, Mean Abs: 4.74%Mean: -1.57%, Mean Abs: 2.81%Mean: -1.02%, Mean Abs: 1.76%Mean: 4.58%, Mean Abs: 7.41%
ClassicMean: -4.32%, Mean Abs: 7.93%Mean: -6.01%, Mean Abs: 11.50%Mean: -5.08%, Mean Abs: 9.78%Mean: -4.63%, Mean Abs: 8.84%Mean: -3.77%, Mean Abs: 7.27%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
NonePercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LowSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MidSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
HighSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ClassicPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs NoneVs LowSegVs MidSegVs HighSegVs Classic
NoneDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LowSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
MidSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
HighSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
ClassicDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Regional Seismicity Rate, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Regional Seismicity Rate branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_SeisRate.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 19.79%

ChoiceVs MeanVs PrefSeisVs LowSeisVs HighSeis
PrefSeisMean: -0.72%, Mean Abs: 0.72%Mean: 15.53%, Mean Abs: 15.53%Mean: -13.78%, Mean Abs: 13.78%
LowSeisMean: -13.67%, Mean Abs: 13.67%Mean: -13.06%, Mean Abs: 13.06%Mean: -24.72%, Mean Abs: 24.72%
HighSeisMean: 15.62%, Mean Abs: 15.62%Mean: 16.48%, Mean Abs: 16.48%Mean: 35.15%, Mean Abs: 35.15%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
PrefSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LowSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
HighSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs PrefSeisVs LowSeisVs HighSeis
PrefSeisDifference MapDifference Map
LowSeisDifference MapDifference Map
HighSeisDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Seismicity Declustering Algorithm, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Seismicity Declustering Algorithm branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_SeisDecluster.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 12.45%

ChoiceVs MeanVs GKVs NNVs Reas
GKMean: 4.95%, Mean Abs: 5.67%Mean: 6.84%, Mean Abs: 8.09%Mean: 16.84%, Mean Abs: 18.62%
NNMean: -1.34%, Mean Abs: 3.79%Mean: -5.70%, Mean Abs: 7.09%Mean: 9.95%, Mean Abs: 14.04%
ReasMean: -8.68%, Mean Abs: 10.63%Mean: -12.51%, Mean Abs: 14.91%Mean: -6.77%, Mean Abs: 11.94%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
GKPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
NNPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ReasPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs GKVs NNVs Reas
GKDifference MapDifference Map
NNDifference MapDifference Map
ReasDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Seismicity Smoothing Kernel, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 2 choices at the Seismicity Smoothing Kernel branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_SeisSmooth.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 25.12%

ChoiceVs MeanVs AdaptiveVs Fixed
AdaptiveMean: -0.72%, Mean Abs: 9.35%Mean: 6.47%, Mean Abs: 25.56%
FixedMean: 0.20%, Mean Abs: 12.88%Mean: 6.58%, Mean Abs: 24.67%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
AdaptivePercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
FixedPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs AdaptiveVs Fixed
AdaptiveDifference Map
FixedDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference Map

Off Fault Mmax, PGA (g), 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Off Fault Mmax branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TWO_IN_50_MmaxOff.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 4.33%

ChoiceVs MeanVs MMax7.3Vs MMax7.6Vs MMax7.9
MMax7.3Mean: -3.02%, Mean Abs: 3.02%Mean: -2.95%, Mean Abs: 2.96%Mean: -6.19%, Mean Abs: 6.19%
MMax7.6Mean: -0.07%, Mean Abs: 0.08%Mean: 3.08%, Mean Abs: 3.08%Mean: -3.38%, Mean Abs: 3.38%
MMax7.9Mean: 3.48%, Mean Abs: 3.48%Mean: 6.79%, Mean Abs: 6.79%Mean: 3.55%, Mean Abs: 3.55%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
MMax7.3Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MMax7.6Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MMax7.9Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs MMax7.3Vs MMax7.6Vs MMax7.9
MMax7.3Difference MapDifference Map
MMax7.6Difference MapDifference Map
MMax7.9Difference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


Download Mean Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50.csv

Mean and median hazard maps, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year




Mean MapMedian Map

Branched-average hazard can be dominated by outlier branches. The map below on the left shows the percentile at which the mean map lies within the full hazard distribution. Areas far from the 50-th percentile here are likely outlier-dominated and may show up in percentile comparison maps, even if mean hazard differences are minimal. Keep this in mind when evaluating the influence of individual logic tree branches by this metric. The right map show the ratio of mean to median hazard.

Note: The mean map here is computed directly from mean hazard curves, but the median map is taken as the median value of hazard maps across all branches (rather than first calculating median curves at each location), which might bias this comparison.

Mean Map PercentileMean vs Median
BA percentilesMedian vs Mean

Bounds, spread, and COV, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


The maps below show the range of values across all logic tree branches, the ratio of the maximum to minimum value, and the coefficient of variation (std. dev. / mean). Note that the minimum and maximum maps are not a result for any single logic tree branch, but rather the smallest or largest value encountered at each location across all logic tree branches.



Min MapMax Map

Log10 (Max/Min)


Spread MapCOV Map

PGA (g), 10% in 50 year Logic Tree Comparisons


This section shows how hazard changes across branch choices at each level of the logic tree. The summary figures below show mean hazard on the left, and then ratios & differences between the mean map considering subsets of the model holding each branch choice constant, and the overall mean map.

Combined Summary Maps
Combined Map
Combined Map

Deformation Model, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Deformation Model branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_DM.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 12.12%

ChoiceVs MeanVs GeologicVs EvansVs PollitzVs Shen-BirdVs Zeng
GeologicMean: -0.57%, Mean Abs: 2.76%Mean: -7.39%, Mean Abs: 16.44%Mean: -0.93%, Mean Abs: 8.92%Mean: -0.27%, Mean Abs: 4.36%Mean: 0.41%, Mean Abs: 4.33%
EvansMean: 15.75%, Mean Abs: 22.94%Mean: 16.92%, Mean Abs: 24.21%Mean: 14.43%, Mean Abs: 22.21%Mean: 16.57%, Mean Abs: 24.53%Mean: 17.12%, Mean Abs: 24.35%
PollitzMean: 1.76%, Mean Abs: 8.36%Mean: 2.75%, Mean Abs: 10.05%Mean: -5.79%, Mean Abs: 16.27%Mean: 2.39%, Mean Abs: 10.98%Mean: 2.63%, Mean Abs: 8.13%
Shen-BirdMean: -0.19%, Mean Abs: 2.90%Mean: 0.57%, Mean Abs: 4.23%Mean: -7.08%, Mean Abs: 16.50%Mean: -0.50%, Mean Abs: 9.78%Mean: 0.73%, Mean Abs: 4.62%
ZengMean: -0.74%, Mean Abs: 2.65%Mean: 0.13%, Mean Abs: 4.35%Mean: -7.56%, Mean Abs: 16.33%Mean: -1.29%, Mean Abs: 7.09%Mean: -0.39%, Mean Abs: 4.76%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
GeologicPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
EvansPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
PollitzPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
Shen-BirdPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ZengPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs GeologicVs EvansVs PollitzVs Shen-BirdVs Zeng
GeologicDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
EvansDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
PollitzDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
Shen-BirdDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
ZengDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Scaling Relationship, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 6 choices at the Scaling Relationship branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_Scale.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 3.18%

ChoiceVs MeanVs LogA+4.3Vs LogA+4.2Vs LogA+4.1Vs WdthLmtdVs LogA+4.2, SqrtLenVs WdthLmtd, CSD
LogA+4.3Mean: -1.78%, Mean Abs: 3.38%Mean: -0.97%, Mean Abs: 2.23%Mean: -1.45%, Mean Abs: 4.96%Mean: -2.79%, Mean Abs: 4.18%Mean: -3.15%, Mean Abs: 5.59%Mean: -1.66%, Mean Abs: 3.23%
LogA+4.2Mean: -0.88%, Mean Abs: 1.26%Mean: 1.05%, Mean Abs: 2.38%Mean: -0.62%, Mean Abs: 2.84%Mean: -1.94%, Mean Abs: 2.40%Mean: -2.35%, Mean Abs: 3.62%Mean: -0.76%, Mean Abs: 1.51%
LogA+4.1Mean: -0.18%, Mean Abs: 1.92%Mean: 2.02%, Mean Abs: 5.45%Mean: 0.79%, Mean Abs: 2.96%Mean: -1.29%, Mean Abs: 2.85%Mean: -1.75%, Mean Abs: 2.32%Mean: -0.04%, Mean Abs: 2.43%
WdthLmtdMean: 1.19%, Mean Abs: 1.70%Mean: 3.40%, Mean Abs: 4.83%Mean: 2.19%, Mean Abs: 2.65%Mean: 1.42%, Mean Abs: 2.89%Mean: -0.39%, Mean Abs: 2.46%Mean: 1.33%, Mean Abs: 2.28%
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenMean: 1.65%, Mean Abs: 2.60%Mean: 3.92%, Mean Abs: 6.35%Mean: 2.66%, Mean Abs: 3.91%Mean: 1.84%, Mean Abs: 2.37%Mean: 0.49%, Mean Abs: 2.50%Mean: 1.80%, Mean Abs: 3.25%
WdthLmtd, CSDMean: -0.10%, Mean Abs: 1.10%Mean: 1.96%, Mean Abs: 3.58%Mean: 0.83%, Mean Abs: 1.57%Mean: 0.14%, Mean Abs: 2.40%Mean: -1.20%, Mean Abs: 2.18%Mean: -1.61%, Mean Abs: 3.09%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
LogA+4.3Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.2Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.1Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
WdthLmtdPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
WdthLmtd, CSDPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs LogA+4.3Vs LogA+4.2Vs LogA+4.1Vs WdthLmtdVs LogA+4.2, SqrtLenVs WdthLmtd, CSD
LogA+4.3Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.2Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.1Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
WdthLmtdDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
WdthLmtd, CSDDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

LogA+4.3LogA+4.2LogA+4.1WdthLmtdLogA+4.2, SqrtLenWdthLmtd, CSD
Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Supra-Seismogenic b-value, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Supra-Seismogenic b-value branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_SupraB.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 4.72%

ChoiceVs MeanVs b=0.0Vs b=0.25Vs b=0.5Vs b=0.75Vs b=1.0
b=0.0Mean: 2.94%, Mean Abs: 4.13%Mean: 0.96%, Mean Abs: 1.73%Mean: 2.28%, Mean Abs: 3.52%Mean: 4.56%, Mean Abs: 6.24%Mean: 7.77%, Mean Abs: 9.92%
b=0.25Mean: 1.94%, Mean Abs: 2.43%Mean: -0.94%, Mean Abs: 1.73%Mean: 1.29%, Mean Abs: 1.79%Mean: 3.52%, Mean Abs: 4.50%Mean: 6.66%, Mean Abs: 8.15%
b=0.5Mean: 0.64%, Mean Abs: 0.70%Mean: -2.17%, Mean Abs: 3.48%Mean: -1.29%, Mean Abs: 1.80%Mean: 2.18%, Mean Abs: 2.68%Mean: 5.24%, Mean Abs: 6.28%
b=0.75Mean: -1.49%, Mean Abs: 2.02%Mean: -4.13%, Mean Abs: 5.97%Mean: -3.32%, Mean Abs: 4.36%Mean: -2.11%, Mean Abs: 2.63%Mean: 2.98%, Mean Abs: 3.54%
b=1.0Mean: -4.24%, Mean Abs: 5.35%Mean: -6.68%, Mean Abs: 9.13%Mean: -5.95%, Mean Abs: 7.59%Mean: -4.83%, Mean Abs: 5.94%Mean: -2.88%, Mean Abs: 3.46%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
b=0.0Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.25Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.5Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.75Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=1.0Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs b=0.0Vs b=0.25Vs b=0.5Vs b=0.75Vs b=1.0
b=0.0Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.25Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.5Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.75Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=1.0Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Paleoseismic Data Uncertainties, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Paleoseismic Data Uncertainties branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_PaleoUncert.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 1.02%

ChoiceVs MeanVs EvenFitVs OverFitVs UnderFit
EvenFitMean: 0.11%, Mean Abs: 0.14%Mean: 0.77%, Mean Abs: 0.87%Mean: -0.41%, Mean Abs: 0.68%
OverFitMean: -0.66%, Mean Abs: 0.79%Mean: -0.77%, Mean Abs: 0.87%Mean: -1.17%, Mean Abs: 1.53%
UnderFitMean: 0.54%, Mean Abs: 0.73%Mean: 0.43%, Mean Abs: 0.67%Mean: 1.21%, Mean Abs: 1.52%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
EvenFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
OverFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
UnderFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs EvenFitVs OverFitVs UnderFit
EvenFitDifference MapDifference Map
OverFitDifference MapDifference Map
UnderFitDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Segmentation Model, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Segmentation Model branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_SegModel.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 5.68%

ChoiceVs MeanVs NoneVs LowSegVs MidSegVs HighSegVs Classic
NoneMean: 2.26%, Mean Abs: 3.91%Mean: 1.20%, Mean Abs: 1.98%Mean: 1.80%, Mean Abs: 3.04%Mean: 2.87%, Mean Abs: 4.78%Mean: 8.01%, Mean Abs: 12.94%
LowSegMean: 1.03%, Mean Abs: 2.03%Mean: -1.16%, Mean Abs: 1.97%Mean: 0.58%, Mean Abs: 1.09%Mean: 1.62%, Mean Abs: 2.88%Mean: 6.60%, Mean Abs: 11.03%
MidSegMean: 0.46%, Mean Abs: 1.01%Mean: -1.70%, Mean Abs: 3.01%Mean: -0.58%, Mean Abs: 1.10%Mean: 1.03%, Mean Abs: 1.81%Mean: 5.91%, Mean Abs: 9.98%
HighSegMean: -0.56%, Mean Abs: 0.98%Mean: -2.62%, Mean Abs: 4.70%Mean: -1.55%, Mean Abs: 2.89%Mean: -1.01%, Mean Abs: 1.82%Mean: 4.72%, Mean Abs: 8.23%
ClassicMean: -4.32%, Mean Abs: 8.64%Mean: -5.92%, Mean Abs: 12.17%Mean: -5.04%, Mean Abs: 10.56%Mean: -4.62%, Mean Abs: 9.62%Mean: -3.83%, Mean Abs: 8.04%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
NonePercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LowSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MidSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
HighSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ClassicPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs NoneVs LowSegVs MidSegVs HighSegVs Classic
NoneDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LowSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
MidSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
HighSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
ClassicDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Regional Seismicity Rate, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Regional Seismicity Rate branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_SeisRate.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 23.81%

ChoiceVs MeanVs PrefSeisVs LowSeisVs HighSeis
PrefSeisMean: -0.78%, Mean Abs: 0.78%Mean: 18.89%, Mean Abs: 18.89%Mean: -16.33%, Mean Abs: 16.33%
LowSeisMean: -16.25%, Mean Abs: 16.25%Mean: -15.62%, Mean Abs: 15.62%Mean: -28.67%, Mean Abs: 28.67%
HighSeisMean: 19.21%, Mean Abs: 19.21%Mean: 20.19%, Mean Abs: 20.19%Mean: 43.31%, Mean Abs: 43.31%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
PrefSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LowSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
HighSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs PrefSeisVs LowSeisVs HighSeis
PrefSeisDifference MapDifference Map
LowSeisDifference MapDifference Map
HighSeisDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Seismicity Declustering Algorithm, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Seismicity Declustering Algorithm branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_SeisDecluster.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 14.39%

ChoiceVs MeanVs GKVs NNVs Reas
GKMean: 6.94%, Mean Abs: 7.87%Mean: 9.30%, Mean Abs: 10.46%Mean: 17.26%, Mean Abs: 20.05%
NNMean: -1.62%, Mean Abs: 5.05%Mean: -7.66%, Mean Abs: 8.95%Mean: 8.32%, Mean Abs: 14.16%
ReasMean: -9.86%, Mean Abs: 13.00%Mean: -14.29%, Mean Abs: 18.24%Mean: -6.93%, Mean Abs: 14.61%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
GKPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
NNPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ReasPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs GKVs NNVs Reas
GKDifference MapDifference Map
NNDifference MapDifference Map
ReasDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Seismicity Smoothing Kernel, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 2 choices at the Seismicity Smoothing Kernel branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_SeisSmooth.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 20.91%

ChoiceVs MeanVs AdaptiveVs Fixed
AdaptiveMean: -2.83%, Mean Abs: 9.46%Mean: -1.49%, Mean Abs: 21.35%
FixedMean: 7.83%, Mean Abs: 16.86%Mean: 6.66%, Mean Abs: 20.46%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
AdaptivePercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
FixedPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs AdaptiveVs Fixed
AdaptiveDifference Map
FixedDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference Map

Off Fault Mmax, PGA (g), 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Off Fault Mmax branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: pga_TEN_IN_50_MmaxOff.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 3.76%

ChoiceVs MeanVs MMax7.3Vs MMax7.6Vs MMax7.9
MMax7.3Mean: -2.70%, Mean Abs: 2.72%Mean: -2.67%, Mean Abs: 2.70%Mean: -5.40%, Mean Abs: 5.42%
MMax7.6Mean: -0.03%, Mean Abs: 0.04%Mean: 2.78%, Mean Abs: 2.80%Mean: -2.83%, Mean Abs: 2.83%
MMax7.9Mean: 2.91%, Mean Abs: 2.92%Mean: 5.83%, Mean Abs: 5.85%Mean: 2.94%, Mean Abs: 2.94%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
MMax7.3Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MMax7.6Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MMax7.9Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs MMax7.3Vs MMax7.6Vs MMax7.9
MMax7.3Difference MapDifference Map
MMax7.6Difference MapDifference Map
MMax7.9Difference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


Download Mean Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50.csv

Mean and median hazard maps, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year




Mean MapMedian Map

Branched-average hazard can be dominated by outlier branches. The map below on the left shows the percentile at which the mean map lies within the full hazard distribution. Areas far from the 50-th percentile here are likely outlier-dominated and may show up in percentile comparison maps, even if mean hazard differences are minimal. Keep this in mind when evaluating the influence of individual logic tree branches by this metric. The right map show the ratio of mean to median hazard.

Note: The mean map here is computed directly from mean hazard curves, but the median map is taken as the median value of hazard maps across all branches (rather than first calculating median curves at each location), which might bias this comparison.

Mean Map PercentileMean vs Median
BA percentilesMedian vs Mean

Bounds, spread, and COV, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


The maps below show the range of values across all logic tree branches, the ratio of the maximum to minimum value, and the coefficient of variation (std. dev. / mean). Note that the minimum and maximum maps are not a result for any single logic tree branch, but rather the smallest or largest value encountered at each location across all logic tree branches.



Min MapMax Map

Log10 (Max/Min)


Spread MapCOV Map

1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year Logic Tree Comparisons


This section shows how hazard changes across branch choices at each level of the logic tree. The summary figures below show mean hazard on the left, and then ratios & differences between the mean map considering subsets of the model holding each branch choice constant, and the overall mean map.

Combined Summary Maps
Combined Map
Combined Map

Deformation Model, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Deformation Model branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_DM.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 12.98%

ChoiceVs MeanVs GeologicVs EvansVs PollitzVs Shen-BirdVs Zeng
GeologicMean: -0.32%, Mean Abs: 3.66%Mean: -3.66%, Mean Abs: 16.40%Mean: 1.15%, Mean Abs: 10.83%Mean: 0.08%, Mean Abs: 5.47%Mean: 0.96%, Mean Abs: 6.20%
EvansMean: 11.34%, Mean Abs: 21.44%Mean: 12.42%, Mean Abs: 22.41%Mean: 12.50%, Mean Abs: 23.04%Mean: 12.23%, Mean Abs: 22.88%Mean: 12.93%, Mean Abs: 23.34%
PollitzMean: 0.25%, Mean Abs: 9.14%Mean: 1.37%, Mean Abs: 11.59%Mean: -2.99%, Mean Abs: 18.30%Mean: 1.00%, Mean Abs: 12.14%Mean: 1.19%, Mean Abs: 8.80%
Shen-BirdMean: -0.17%, Mean Abs: 3.69%Mean: 0.52%, Mean Abs: 5.33%Mean: -3.44%, Mean Abs: 16.67%Mean: 1.28%, Mean Abs: 11.44%Mean: 1.00%, Mean Abs: 6.39%
ZengMean: -0.77%, Mean Abs: 3.74%Mean: 0.21%, Mean Abs: 6.39%Mean: -3.91%, Mean Abs: 17.15%Mean: 0.28%, Mean Abs: 8.24%Mean: -0.24%, Mean Abs: 6.61%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
GeologicPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
EvansPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
PollitzPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
Shen-BirdPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ZengPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs GeologicVs EvansVs PollitzVs Shen-BirdVs Zeng
GeologicDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
EvansDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
PollitzDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
Shen-BirdDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
ZengDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Scaling Relationship, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 6 choices at the Scaling Relationship branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_Scale.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 3.63%

ChoiceVs MeanVs LogA+4.3Vs LogA+4.2Vs LogA+4.1Vs WdthLmtdVs LogA+4.2, SqrtLenVs WdthLmtd, CSD
LogA+4.3Mean: -0.88%, Mean Abs: 3.24%Mean: -0.10%, Mean Abs: 2.39%Mean: 0.56%, Mean Abs: 5.42%Mean: -1.24%, Mean Abs: 3.19%Mean: -2.96%, Mean Abs: 6.22%Mean: -0.68%, Mean Abs: 3.33%
LogA+4.2Mean: -0.82%, Mean Abs: 1.12%Mean: 0.21%, Mean Abs: 2.44%Mean: 0.54%, Mean Abs: 3.09%Mean: -1.18%, Mean Abs: 1.75%Mean: -2.99%, Mean Abs: 4.58%Mean: -0.60%, Mean Abs: 1.77%
LogA+4.1Mean: -1.26%, Mean Abs: 2.53%Mean: -0.05%, Mean Abs: 5.61%Mean: -0.39%, Mean Abs: 3.12%Mean: -1.63%, Mean Abs: 3.40%Mean: -3.53%, Mean Abs: 3.91%Mean: -1.03%, Mean Abs: 3.20%
WdthLmtdMean: 0.44%, Mean Abs: 1.54%Mean: 1.58%, Mean Abs: 3.48%Mean: 1.31%, Mean Abs: 1.86%Mean: 1.80%, Mean Abs: 3.47%Mean: -1.80%, Mean Abs: 4.07%Mean: 0.67%, Mean Abs: 2.36%
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenMean: 2.46%, Mean Abs: 3.74%Mean: 3.76%, Mean Abs: 6.85%Mean: 3.39%, Mean Abs: 4.93%Mean: 3.78%, Mean Abs: 4.14%Mean: 2.09%, Mean Abs: 4.26%Mean: 2.73%, Mean Abs: 4.70%
WdthLmtd, CSDMean: -0.17%, Mean Abs: 1.68%Mean: 0.93%, Mean Abs: 3.51%Mean: 0.68%, Mean Abs: 1.81%Mean: 1.19%, Mean Abs: 3.23%Mean: -0.54%, Mean Abs: 2.31%Mean: -2.36%, Mean Abs: 4.41%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
LogA+4.3Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.2Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.1Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
WdthLmtdPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
WdthLmtd, CSDPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs LogA+4.3Vs LogA+4.2Vs LogA+4.1Vs WdthLmtdVs LogA+4.2, SqrtLenVs WdthLmtd, CSD
LogA+4.3Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.2Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.1Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
WdthLmtdDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
WdthLmtd, CSDDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

LogA+4.3LogA+4.2LogA+4.1WdthLmtdLogA+4.2, SqrtLenWdthLmtd, CSD
Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Supra-Seismogenic b-value, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Supra-Seismogenic b-value branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_SupraB.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 5.21%

ChoiceVs MeanVs b=0.0Vs b=0.25Vs b=0.5Vs b=0.75Vs b=1.0
b=0.0Mean: 3.93%, Mean Abs: 4.64%Mean: 1.47%, Mean Abs: 1.96%Mean: 3.36%, Mean Abs: 4.13%Mean: 6.26%, Mean Abs: 7.25%Mean: 9.85%, Mean Abs: 11.08%
b=0.25Mean: 2.39%, Mean Abs: 2.66%Mean: -1.42%, Mean Abs: 1.92%Mean: 1.84%, Mean Abs: 2.14%Mean: 4.66%, Mean Abs: 5.22%Mean: 8.16%, Mean Abs: 8.98%
b=0.5Mean: 0.54%, Mean Abs: 0.57%Mean: -3.15%, Mean Abs: 3.96%Mean: -1.78%, Mean Abs: 2.09%Mean: 2.74%, Mean Abs: 3.02%Mean: 6.14%, Mean Abs: 6.69%
b=0.75Mean: -2.11%, Mean Abs: 2.42%Mean: -5.63%, Mean Abs: 6.72%Mean: -4.33%, Mean Abs: 4.93%Mean: -2.63%, Mean Abs: 2.91%Mean: 3.25%, Mean Abs: 3.55%
b=1.0Mean: -5.09%, Mean Abs: 5.71%Mean: -8.43%, Mean Abs: 9.84%Mean: -7.21%, Mean Abs: 8.12%Mean: -5.59%, Mean Abs: 6.19%Mean: -3.09%, Mean Abs: 3.40%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
b=0.0Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.25Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.5Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.75Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=1.0Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs b=0.0Vs b=0.25Vs b=0.5Vs b=0.75Vs b=1.0
b=0.0Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.25Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.5Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.75Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=1.0Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Paleoseismic Data Uncertainties, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Paleoseismic Data Uncertainties branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_PaleoUncert.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 1.17%

ChoiceVs MeanVs EvenFitVs OverFitVs UnderFit
EvenFitMean: 0.09%, Mean Abs: 0.15%Mean: 0.97%, Mean Abs: 1.01%Mean: -0.67%, Mean Abs: 0.76%
OverFitMean: -0.87%, Mean Abs: 0.91%Mean: -0.95%, Mean Abs: 1.00%Mean: -1.61%, Mean Abs: 1.73%
UnderFitMean: 0.77%, Mean Abs: 0.83%Mean: 0.68%, Mean Abs: 0.76%Mean: 1.66%, Mean Abs: 1.76%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
EvenFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
OverFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
UnderFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs EvenFitVs OverFitVs UnderFit
EvenFitDifference MapDifference Map
OverFitDifference MapDifference Map
UnderFitDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Segmentation Model, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Segmentation Model branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_SegModel.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 7.02%

ChoiceVs MeanVs NoneVs LowSegVs MidSegVs HighSegVs Classic
NoneMean: 4.76%, Mean Abs: 5.58%Mean: 2.71%, Mean Abs: 3.14%Mean: 4.03%, Mean Abs: 4.70%Mean: 6.28%, Mean Abs: 7.28%Mean: 14.02%, Mean Abs: 16.48%
LowSegMean: 1.95%, Mean Abs: 2.49%Mean: -2.59%, Mean Abs: 3.04%Mean: 1.26%, Mean Abs: 1.55%Mean: 3.41%, Mean Abs: 4.12%Mean: 10.84%, Mean Abs: 13.18%
MidSegMean: 0.68%, Mean Abs: 1.00%Mean: -3.76%, Mean Abs: 4.49%Mean: -1.22%, Mean Abs: 1.53%Mean: 2.11%, Mean Abs: 2.55%Mean: 9.37%, Mean Abs: 11.55%
HighSegMean: -1.38%, Mean Abs: 1.66%Mean: -5.65%, Mean Abs: 6.79%Mean: -3.20%, Mean Abs: 3.97%Mean: -2.03%, Mean Abs: 2.49%Mean: 7.00%, Mean Abs: 8.93%
ClassicMean: -7.24%, Mean Abs: 9.51%Mean: -11.02%, Mean Abs: 14.15%Mean: -8.81%, Mean Abs: 11.71%Mean: -7.78%, Mean Abs: 10.42%Mean: -5.99%, Mean Abs: 8.28%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
NonePercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LowSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MidSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
HighSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ClassicPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs NoneVs LowSegVs MidSegVs HighSegVs Classic
NoneDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LowSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
MidSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
HighSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
ClassicDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Regional Seismicity Rate, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Regional Seismicity Rate branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_SeisRate.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 24.75%

ChoiceVs MeanVs PrefSeisVs LowSeisVs HighSeis
PrefSeisMean: -1.12%, Mean Abs: 1.12%Mean: 19.74%, Mean Abs: 19.74%Mean: -16.69%, Mean Abs: 16.69%
LowSeisMean: -16.49%, Mean Abs: 16.49%Mean: -15.60%, Mean Abs: 15.60%Mean: -29.03%, Mean Abs: 29.03%
HighSeisMean: 19.67%, Mean Abs: 19.67%Mean: 21.09%, Mean Abs: 21.09%Mean: 46.35%, Mean Abs: 46.35%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
PrefSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LowSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
HighSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs PrefSeisVs LowSeisVs HighSeis
PrefSeisDifference MapDifference Map
LowSeisDifference MapDifference Map
HighSeisDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Seismicity Declustering Algorithm, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Seismicity Declustering Algorithm branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_SeisDecluster.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 8.08%

ChoiceVs MeanVs GKVs NNVs Reas
GKMean: 3.23%, Mean Abs: 3.74%Mean: 4.40%, Mean Abs: 5.02%Mean: 10.48%, Mean Abs: 12.16%
NNMean: -0.97%, Mean Abs: 2.40%Mean: -3.93%, Mean Abs: 4.60%Mean: 5.95%, Mean Abs: 9.11%
ReasMean: -5.21%, Mean Abs: 6.95%Mean: -7.83%, Mean Abs: 9.93%Mean: -3.96%, Mean Abs: 7.69%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
GKPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
NNPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ReasPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs GKVs NNVs Reas
GKDifference MapDifference Map
NNDifference MapDifference Map
ReasDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Seismicity Smoothing Kernel, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 2 choices at the Seismicity Smoothing Kernel branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_SeisSmooth.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 12.28%

ChoiceVs MeanVs AdaptiveVs Fixed
AdaptiveMean: -0.54%, Mean Abs: 4.46%Mean: 2.17%, Mean Abs: 12.19%
FixedMean: 0.49%, Mean Abs: 6.44%Mean: 3.58%, Mean Abs: 12.36%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
AdaptivePercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
FixedPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs AdaptiveVs Fixed
AdaptiveDifference Map
FixedDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference Map

Off Fault Mmax, 1.0s SA, 2% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Off Fault Mmax branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TWO_IN_50_MmaxOff.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 8.81%

ChoiceVs MeanVs MMax7.3Vs MMax7.6Vs MMax7.9
MMax7.3Mean: -6.15%, Mean Abs: 6.15%Mean: -6.03%, Mean Abs: 6.03%Mean: -12.07%, Mean Abs: 12.07%
MMax7.6Mean: -0.14%, Mean Abs: 0.15%Mean: 6.57%, Mean Abs: 6.57%Mean: -6.57%, Mean Abs: 6.57%
MMax7.9Mean: 7.05%, Mean Abs: 7.05%Mean: 14.42%, Mean Abs: 14.42%Mean: 7.20%, Mean Abs: 7.20%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
MMax7.3Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MMax7.6Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MMax7.9Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs MMax7.3Vs MMax7.6Vs MMax7.9
MMax7.3Difference MapDifference Map
MMax7.6Difference MapDifference Map
MMax7.9Difference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


Download Mean Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50.csv

Mean and median hazard maps, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year




Mean MapMedian Map

Branched-average hazard can be dominated by outlier branches. The map below on the left shows the percentile at which the mean map lies within the full hazard distribution. Areas far from the 50-th percentile here are likely outlier-dominated and may show up in percentile comparison maps, even if mean hazard differences are minimal. Keep this in mind when evaluating the influence of individual logic tree branches by this metric. The right map show the ratio of mean to median hazard.

Note: The mean map here is computed directly from mean hazard curves, but the median map is taken as the median value of hazard maps across all branches (rather than first calculating median curves at each location), which might bias this comparison.

Mean Map PercentileMean vs Median
BA percentilesMedian vs Mean

Bounds, spread, and COV, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


The maps below show the range of values across all logic tree branches, the ratio of the maximum to minimum value, and the coefficient of variation (std. dev. / mean). Note that the minimum and maximum maps are not a result for any single logic tree branch, but rather the smallest or largest value encountered at each location across all logic tree branches.



Min MapMax Map

Log10 (Max/Min)


Spread MapCOV Map

1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year Logic Tree Comparisons


This section shows how hazard changes across branch choices at each level of the logic tree. The summary figures below show mean hazard on the left, and then ratios & differences between the mean map considering subsets of the model holding each branch choice constant, and the overall mean map.

Combined Summary Maps
Combined Map
Combined Map

Deformation Model, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Deformation Model branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_DM.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 13.51%

ChoiceVs MeanVs GeologicVs EvansVs PollitzVs Shen-BirdVs Zeng
GeologicMean: 0.08%, Mean Abs: 3.68%Mean: -8.64%, Mean Abs: 17.96%Mean: -0.15%, Mean Abs: 11.17%Mean: 1.50%, Mean Abs: 5.43%Mean: 1.28%, Mean Abs: 6.75%
EvansMean: 15.99%, Mean Abs: 22.73%Mean: 16.33%, Mean Abs: 23.87%Mean: 15.06%, Mean Abs: 22.83%Mean: 17.97%, Mean Abs: 25.00%Mean: 17.62%, Mean Abs: 24.62%
PollitzMean: 1.81%, Mean Abs: 9.44%Mean: 2.41%, Mean Abs: 12.28%Mean: -7.36%, Mean Abs: 17.72%Mean: 3.70%, Mean Abs: 13.11%Mean: 2.61%, Mean Abs: 8.19%
Shen-BirdMean: -1.24%, Mean Abs: 3.93%Mean: -1.07%, Mean Abs: 5.18%Mean: -9.85%, Mean Abs: 18.29%Mean: -1.47%, Mean Abs: 11.85%Mean: -0.13%, Mean Abs: 6.95%
ZengMean: -0.74%, Mean Abs: 3.88%Mean: -0.33%, Mean Abs: 6.74%Mean: -9.28%, Mean Abs: 17.80%Mean: -1.48%, Mean Abs: 7.35%Mean: 0.84%, Mean Abs: 7.23%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
GeologicPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
EvansPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
PollitzPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
Shen-BirdPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ZengPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs GeologicVs EvansVs PollitzVs Shen-BirdVs Zeng
GeologicDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
EvansDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
PollitzDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
Shen-BirdDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
ZengDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Scaling Relationship, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 6 choices at the Scaling Relationship branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_Scale.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 4.06%

ChoiceVs MeanVs LogA+4.3Vs LogA+4.2Vs LogA+4.1Vs WdthLmtdVs LogA+4.2, SqrtLenVs WdthLmtd, CSD
LogA+4.3Mean: -1.77%, Mean Abs: 3.53%Mean: -0.78%, Mean Abs: 2.50%Mean: -0.63%, Mean Abs: 5.32%Mean: -1.87%, Mean Abs: 3.65%Mean: -5.21%, Mean Abs: 7.21%Mean: -0.96%, Mean Abs: 3.79%
LogA+4.2Mean: -1.04%, Mean Abs: 1.30%Mean: 0.90%, Mean Abs: 2.64%Mean: 0.03%, Mean Abs: 2.94%Mean: -1.15%, Mean Abs: 1.86%Mean: -4.61%, Mean Abs: 5.51%Mean: -0.21%, Mean Abs: 2.12%
LogA+4.1Mean: -1.00%, Mean Abs: 2.45%Mean: 1.17%, Mean Abs: 5.72%Mean: 0.10%, Mean Abs: 3.03%Mean: -1.11%, Mean Abs: 2.99%Mean: -4.67%, Mean Abs: 5.04%Mean: -0.15%, Mean Abs: 3.19%
WdthLmtdMean: 0.16%, Mean Abs: 1.43%Mean: 2.24%, Mean Abs: 4.03%Mean: 1.25%, Mean Abs: 1.97%Mean: 1.22%, Mean Abs: 2.99%Mean: -3.51%, Mean Abs: 4.62%Mean: 1.01%, Mean Abs: 2.63%
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenMean: 3.99%, Mean Abs: 4.69%Mean: 6.33%, Mean Abs: 8.31%Mean: 5.17%, Mean Abs: 6.08%Mean: 5.03%, Mean Abs: 5.38%Mean: 3.86%, Mean Abs: 4.96%Mean: 4.95%, Mean Abs: 6.09%
WdthLmtd, CSDMean: -0.76%, Mean Abs: 2.12%Mean: 1.25%, Mean Abs: 4.04%Mean: 0.30%, Mean Abs: 2.15%Mean: 0.29%, Mean Abs: 3.13%Mean: -0.88%, Mean Abs: 2.57%Mean: -4.33%, Mean Abs: 5.48%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
LogA+4.3Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.2Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.1Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
WdthLmtdPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
WdthLmtd, CSDPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs LogA+4.3Vs LogA+4.2Vs LogA+4.1Vs WdthLmtdVs LogA+4.2, SqrtLenVs WdthLmtd, CSD
LogA+4.3Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.2Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.1Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
WdthLmtdDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LogA+4.2, SqrtLenDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
WdthLmtd, CSDDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

LogA+4.3LogA+4.2LogA+4.1WdthLmtdLogA+4.2, SqrtLenWdthLmtd, CSD
Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Supra-Seismogenic b-value, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Supra-Seismogenic b-value branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_SupraB.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 5.47%

ChoiceVs MeanVs b=0.0Vs b=0.25Vs b=0.5Vs b=0.75Vs b=1.0
b=0.0Mean: 3.73%, Mean Abs: 4.81%Mean: 1.23%, Mean Abs: 1.98%Mean: 2.95%, Mean Abs: 4.12%Mean: 5.86%, Mean Abs: 7.37%Mean: 9.77%, Mean Abs: 11.60%
b=0.25Mean: 2.44%, Mean Abs: 2.83%Mean: -1.20%, Mean Abs: 1.98%Mean: 1.68%, Mean Abs: 2.14%Mean: 4.51%, Mean Abs: 5.35%Mean: 8.32%, Mean Abs: 9.51%
b=0.5Mean: 0.74%, Mean Abs: 0.76%Mean: -2.80%, Mean Abs: 4.05%Mean: -1.66%, Mean Abs: 2.14%Mean: 2.76%, Mean Abs: 3.15%Mean: 6.46%, Mean Abs: 7.23%
b=0.75Mean: -1.96%, Mean Abs: 2.43%Mean: -5.30%, Mean Abs: 6.95%Mean: -4.24%, Mean Abs: 5.13%Mean: -2.67%, Mean Abs: 3.08%Mean: 3.56%, Mean Abs: 3.95%
b=1.0Mean: -5.24%, Mean Abs: 6.11%Mean: -8.33%, Mean Abs: 10.40%Mean: -7.37%, Mean Abs: 8.67%Mean: -5.91%, Mean Abs: 6.73%Mean: -3.42%, Mean Abs: 3.83%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
b=0.0Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.25Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.5Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=0.75Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
b=1.0Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs b=0.0Vs b=0.25Vs b=0.5Vs b=0.75Vs b=1.0
b=0.0Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.25Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.5Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=0.75Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
b=1.0Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Paleoseismic Data Uncertainties, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Paleoseismic Data Uncertainties branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_PaleoUncert.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 1.35%

ChoiceVs MeanVs EvenFitVs OverFitVs UnderFit
EvenFitMean: 0.13%, Mean Abs: 0.17%Mean: 1.06%, Mean Abs: 1.13%Mean: -0.62%, Mean Abs: 0.92%
OverFitMean: -0.92%, Mean Abs: 1.04%Mean: -1.05%, Mean Abs: 1.12%Mean: -1.66%, Mean Abs: 2.01%
UnderFitMean: 0.77%, Mean Abs: 0.97%Mean: 0.64%, Mean Abs: 0.91%Mean: 1.71%, Mean Abs: 2.01%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
EvenFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
OverFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
UnderFitPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs EvenFitVs OverFitVs UnderFit
EvenFitDifference MapDifference Map
OverFitDifference MapDifference Map
UnderFitDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Segmentation Model, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 5 choices at the Segmentation Model branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_SegModel.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 6.99%

ChoiceVs MeanVs NoneVs LowSegVs MidSegVs HighSegVs Classic
NoneMean: 3.64%, Mean Abs: 5.30%Mean: 2.03%, Mean Abs: 2.78%Mean: 2.99%, Mean Abs: 4.25%Mean: 4.72%, Mean Abs: 6.69%Mean: 11.65%, Mean Abs: 16.17%
LowSegMean: 1.54%, Mean Abs: 2.56%Mean: -1.97%, Mean Abs: 2.75%Mean: 0.92%, Mean Abs: 1.49%Mean: 2.57%, Mean Abs: 3.90%Mean: 9.22%, Mean Abs: 13.29%
MidSegMean: 0.60%, Mean Abs: 1.13%Mean: -2.83%, Mean Abs: 4.18%Mean: -0.92%, Mean Abs: 1.51%Mean: 1.60%, Mean Abs: 2.40%Mean: 8.11%, Mean Abs: 11.78%
HighSegMean: -0.97%, Mean Abs: 1.40%Mean: -4.24%, Mean Abs: 6.43%Mean: -2.41%, Mean Abs: 3.85%Mean: -1.54%, Mean Abs: 2.38%Mean: 6.26%, Mean Abs: 9.37%
ClassicMean: -6.13%, Mean Abs: 9.94%Mean: -8.81%, Mean Abs: 14.56%Mean: -7.25%, Mean Abs: 12.28%Mean: -6.54%, Mean Abs: 10.99%Mean: -5.29%, Mean Abs: 8.93%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
NonePercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LowSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MidSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
HighSegPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ClassicPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs NoneVs LowSegVs MidSegVs HighSegVs Classic
NoneDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
LowSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
MidSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
HighSegDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map
ClassicDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Regional Seismicity Rate, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Regional Seismicity Rate branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_SeisRate.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 25.82%

ChoiceVs MeanVs PrefSeisVs LowSeisVs HighSeis
PrefSeisMean: -1.06%, Mean Abs: 1.06%Mean: 19.95%, Mean Abs: 19.95%Mean: -17.85%, Mean Abs: 17.85%
LowSeisMean: -17.03%, Mean Abs: 17.03%Mean: -16.19%, Mean Abs: 16.19%Mean: -30.17%, Mean Abs: 30.17%
HighSeisMean: 21.46%, Mean Abs: 21.46%Mean: 22.80%, Mean Abs: 22.80%Mean: 48.14%, Mean Abs: 48.14%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
PrefSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
LowSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
HighSeisPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs PrefSeisVs LowSeisVs HighSeis
PrefSeisDifference MapDifference Map
LowSeisDifference MapDifference Map
HighSeisDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Seismicity Declustering Algorithm, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Seismicity Declustering Algorithm branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_SeisDecluster.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 9.02%

ChoiceVs MeanVs GKVs NNVs Reas
GKMean: 4.53%, Mean Abs: 5.14%Mean: 5.54%, Mean Abs: 6.21%Mean: 9.41%, Mean Abs: 11.77%
NNMean: -0.79%, Mean Abs: 3.30%Mean: -4.94%, Mean Abs: 5.66%Mean: 4.23%, Mean Abs: 8.54%
ReasMean: -6.31%, Mean Abs: 8.77%Mean: -9.25%, Mean Abs: 12.18%Mean: -4.67%, Mean Abs: 9.80%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
GKPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
NNPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
ReasPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs GKVs NNVs Reas
GKDifference MapDifference Map
NNDifference MapDifference Map
ReasDifference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map

Seismicity Smoothing Kernel, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 2 choices at the Seismicity Smoothing Kernel branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_SeisSmooth.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 10.14%

ChoiceVs MeanVs AdaptiveVs Fixed
AdaptiveMean: -1.77%, Mean Abs: 5.27%Mean: -1.31%, Mean Abs: 11.13%
FixedMean: 5.03%, Mean Abs: 9.89%Mean: 1.59%, Mean Abs: 9.12%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
AdaptivePercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
FixedPercent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs AdaptiveVs Fixed
AdaptiveDifference Map
FixedDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference Map

Off Fault Mmax, 1.0s SA, 10% in 50 year


This section shows how mean hazard varies accross 3 choices at the Off Fault Mmax branch level.

Download Choice Hazard CSV: 1.0s_TEN_IN_50_MmaxOff.csv

The table below gives summary statistics for the spatial average difference and average absolute difference of hazard between mean hazard maps for each individual branch choices. In other words, it gives the expected difference (or absolute difference) between two models if you picked a location at random. Values are listed between each pair of branch choices, and also between that choice and the overall mean map in the first column.

The overall average absolute difference between the map for any choice to each other choice, a decent summary measure of how much hazard varies due to this branch choice, is: 5.99%

ChoiceVs MeanVs MMax7.3Vs MMax7.6Vs MMax7.9
MMax7.3Mean: -4.37%, Mean Abs: 4.39%Mean: -4.36%, Mean Abs: 4.38%Mean: -8.41%, Mean Abs: 8.43%
MMax7.6Mean: -0.01%, Mean Abs: 0.07%Mean: 4.64%, Mean Abs: 4.66%Mean: -4.32%, Mean Abs: 4.32%
MMax7.9Mean: 4.59%, Mean Abs: 4.59%Mean: 9.55%, Mean Abs: 9.57%Mean: 4.60%, Mean Abs: 4.60%

The map table below shows how the mean map for each branch choice compares to the overall mean map, expressed as % change (first column) and difference (second column). The third column, 'Choice Percentile in Full Dist', shows at what percentile the map for that branch choice lies within the full distribution, and the fourth column, 'Choice Percentile in Dist Without', shows the same but for the distribution of all other branches (without this choice included).

Note that these percentile comparisons can be outlier dominated, in which case even if a choice is near the overall mean hazard it may still lie far from the 50th percentile (see 'Mean Map Percentile' above to better understand outlier dominated regions).

Choice Mean vs Full Mean, % ChangeChoice Mean - Full MeanChoice Percentile in Full DistChoice Percentile in Dist Without
MMax7.3Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MMax7.6Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map
MMax7.9Percent Difference MapDifference MapPercentile MapPercentile Map

The table below gives % change maps between each option, head-to-head.

ChoiceVs MMax7.3Vs MMax7.6Vs MMax7.9
MMax7.3Difference MapDifference Map
MMax7.6Difference MapDifference Map
MMax7.9Difference MapDifference Map

The table below shows how much the mean hazard map would change if each branch were eliminated. This differs from the above comparisons in that it also reflects the weight assigned to each branch. The sign is now flipped such that blue and green areas indicate areas where hazard is higher due to inclusion of the listed listed choice, and would go down were that choice eliminated.

Percent Difference MapPercent Difference MapPercent Difference Map
Difference MapDifference MapDifference Map